Touch screen interface in Bracky

Touch screen interface in Bracky

While living in the age of Smart phones and tablets, the very thought of signing registers or pressing buttons sounds so primitive!

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Visitor Badge Systems in Bracky

The cornerstone of physical security of any organization in Bracky is an effective visitor badge system. A systemized process of capturing the details of visitors, not only makes it easy to manage the high influx of visitors, but eases the task of keeping records as well. Gone are the days of manual registers where the visitor had to manually write his details before he gets a visitor badge issued against his name. The process not only took huge time, but it made the tracking of records very difficult as well.

Thanks to the advent of technology in Bracky, modern day automated visitor management systems are far more systematic, hassle free and it heightens the levels of security for a building to great extents. Some of the common features of the visitor badge systems are discussed in details here.

Touch screen interface

While living in the age of Smart phones and tablets, the very thought of signing registers or pressing buttons sounds so primitive! Modern day visitor manage systems in Bracky come with touch screen interfaces which make the system of capturing the visitor details a simple and smart one. Whether it is taking down the names of the visitors or getting their snaps clicked by the webcam, a feather touch of the fingers is all that is required with our electronic sign in systems in Bracky.

Automated database synchronization

Mere capturing the visitor details is not enough in serving the security cause, and that is why the modern day visitor management systems ensure that the captured data gets updated in the database simultaneously. This allows the security personnel to keep a real-time track of how many people are inside the premises of the school or the organization. This is particularly useful during evacuation drills when the security personnel need a complete list of people who are inside the building during the outbreak of an event which requires the building to be evacuated, our visitor tracking systems in Bracky are usefull for this.

Database encryption

Akin to the physical security, data security also holds great importance in the today’s world. It is thus the endeavor of any good visitor management system to ensure that the data is not accessible to unauthorized personnel. To do that, proper encryption algorithms are being applied to the data that gets uploaded to the database.

Easy find features

The automated visitor management systems deploy the smart technology to identify frequent visitors with the help of a few characters that gets types in the system. This leads to reduction in the processing time of issuing visitor badges for frequent visitors. The whole system ensures a pleasant sign-in experience for the visitors who pay regular visits to the premises.

Notification on arrival

Although this feature is available with a handful of visitor management systems only, it surely provides a very professional experience to the visitors who have come to meet someone in a school or office. The visitor management system sends notification messages to staff members by means of email or text message, wherein they get notified about the arrival of their guests. In case multiple guests are expected, the system can send the photo of the guest along with the name, so that the staff member knows which particular guest has arrived. This reduces the waiting time for the visitor before they meet whom they have come to meet.

Background checks for visitors

In case a background check has to be done before letting the visitor inside the building premises, the same can be easily done through the visitor badge systems. The database of the visitor management system gets integrated with the DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) data which ensures that the visitor background details are properly vetted before the badge is being issued to them. This is also useful for recruitment purposes where background checks of concerned individuals are of prime importance.

Versatile uses

The automated badge systems need not be used only for monitoring the visitors. It can also be utilized to track the schedule adherence of staffs and students without doing too many things. A simple touch of a button lets you access the complete database of who entered the premises when and stayed for how long. Monitoring the employees and students becomes so easy with these systems in place.

The systems can be tweaked as per requirements of the institutions to provide a tailor-made security solution to them. The database of these systems can be integrated with major MIS software programs which save the institutions from the additional investments of developing or procuring new Management information system program.

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