Fully Encrypted Database in Eskragh

Fully Encrypted Database in Eskragh

To ensure that you feel comfortable and safe with anyone who is accessing your organization, the software allows users to collect as much data as possible on various people.

Swipe Options in Eskragh

Swipe Options in Eskragh

For regular visitors and staff, the system can provide you with ID badges that have a barcode scanner, which allows them quick and automated access.

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Welcoming and Managing your Visitors Intelligently with Inventry in Eskragh

How many people are in your school or business premises right now in Eskragh? How many were there last week? Do you know their names? Do you have all their details? How many of them are visitors and how many of them are your staff? You possibly struggled to answer almost all these questions. And if you managed to answer any of them, you probably had to pull out your visitor sign in sheets and count the entries manually. Scenarios like these take place in offices every day and they show the need for proper visitor management. To be more specific, they illustrate why you require a good visitor management system. 

What is a Visitor Management System?

Visitor management basically refers to the process of processing and tracking visitors in schools, businesses and other organizations in Eskragh. That said, a visitor management system is a tool that is used to perform this work and they range from more advanced systems that can be incorporated with various options like biometric scanners and surveillance cameras to less complex software systems like log books.

Why are Visitor Management systems Important?

On a less complex level, a visitor management system can help you monitor who is in your premises using our sign in systems in Eskragh. More complex systems on the other hand can notify you when visitors arrive, limit where they go, control how long they can stay and screen them against the available background information. To cut the long story short, a visitor management system gives users maximum control over the visitors in their premises, a very important factor to keeping your facility secure and safe. In addition, feelings of comfort and safety play a very important role in overall success and productivity of an organization. Your employees will feel safer knowing that any guests or strangers have been screened accordingly and processed via a reliable visitor management software.

Inventry: The Intelligent Visitor Management System

The Inventry software offers an all-inclusive visitor management solution that gives users complete control over all staff, students or visitors on a daily basis. It is a safe guarding and site access management solution designed particularly for schools. The system gives maximum traceability and control of visitors, staff and students accessing the school every day. It is also easy to use and includes; a touch screen monitor, a computer, a webcam and a thermal printer.

Why choose The Inventry Visitor management system?

Fully Encrypted Database

To ensure that you feel comfortable and safe with anyone who is accessing your organization, the software allows users to collect as much data as possible on various people. Nonetheless keeping this information safe is very important. The central database of the system is fully encoded and only authorized people can access it.

20" Touch Screen Monitor with Integrated Webcam

The intuitive touch screen monitor and webcam gives a professional and modern look to your entrance or reception area. The touch screen records visitors data while the webcam allows users to take photos of visitors instantly and create both permanent and temporary ID cards.

Reception Console

The console gives receptionists full access to the staff and visitor database. With a few clicks he or she can print visitor reports, manage the system or perform a database search. In addition, for control over protection of information, a manager or an administrator can create several user accounts but with varied permission levels.

Quick Fire List

With a single click, the system can also produce a full list of students, staff and visitors on site which can be used for reference or evacuation purposes.

Visitor Sign In & Photo Badge Printing

Allows guests to easily and quickly sign in and creates a high quality photo identification badge used for our visitor badge systems in Eskragh.

Full Installation Service and Ongoing Support

For maximum security, the system is designed with a USB backup module which ensures that important data is always protected from hardware theft and data lose. We also provide many other support services both remotely and onsite. With the system you will be fully prepared for any eventuality.

Swipe Options

For regular visitors and staff, the system can provide you with ID badges that have a barcode scanner, which allows them quick and automated access. Some of the swipe technologies that are available include: QR cide, UPC barcode, HID, MiFafre and Paxtone.

SIMS Integration

The visitor tracking system is designed with a SIMS integration module that ensures flawless integration between your SIMS database and the management system. Any change that you make in the SIMS database will reflect in the entire system. This typically means that a user only needs to make a change once.


Benefits that your school will enjoy with the system


  • -Enhanced traceability and security of anyone entering the school compound
  • -Easy and consistent management of visitors at the reception
  • -Access to a central record database for visitors and staff 
  • -You will be able to create a list of all visitors and staff on the premises to enhance accuracy and speed. For instance, for a roll call or during an emergency
  • -A secure database that you can use to manage, search or print reports of staff and visitors or notify other staff of guests who have arrived through SMS or email.

Final Word

This visitor management system is a scalable solution and has value for schools and originations of sizes. It is a very powerful system that allows reception teams to know their visitors and track them. Whether you are looking for a visitor management system to replace an existing visitor sign in sheet or a complex solution to manage everything from pre –registrations, visitor identity or visitor tracking, Inventry is the ideal tool for you. The objective of the software is to process visitors efficiently and securely with safety being the main objective.

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