Multiple Entry Point Systems in Mountjoy

Multiple Entry Point Systems in Mountjoy

Get started with it today and you will realize how much you have been missing.

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Electronic Sign In Systems in Mountjoy

Due to the increased rates of insecurity in Mountjoy, it is highly advisable to have the ultimate visitor's management system in your school. This will aid you in monitoring who walks in and out of your school. To ensure top-notch security, we now offer the best visitors management system that features an MIS-compatible touch screen that makes it very ergonomic and suitable for your school. Besides this, the system will easily encrypt all the information securely in a central database. This will, therefore, implies that you are assured of the safety of your students.

Why get this world-class electronic sign in System?

There are a myriad number of reasons why this is the ultimate visitor's management system for you. Some of the reasons include;

Multiple Entry Point Systems

Do you have a school in Mountjoy with a dual or more visitor’s entrance? In case you do, then this system will perfectly suit you. This is because it has multiple entry points, which makes it very convenient. All we need is to supply you an additional label printer, touch screens, and barcode scanners. These will work and synchronize with the central database of your system. Get started with it today and you will realize how much you have been missing.

Barcode scanner for both regular visitors and staff

This is the only electronic sign in system that will enable to have the records of both visitors and staff getting in and out of your school in Mountjoy. This feature will allow you to send the photo of either the staff or the visitor and with the aid of the high-quality plastic ID badge, it will be easily shipped to your own site by using our visiter badge systems in Mountjoy. Besides this, you can easily program the system in order to let you know the intended purpose of the visitor and even why he/she is leaving. 

A 20-inch Touch Screen Monitor 

The system has a large and responsive touch screen that allows for easy use. The touch screen monitor also features an integrated webcam to ensure that it delivers excellent services. The integrated webcam will also ensure a professional appearance at the entrance or reception area. This is all you need for your school and you will definitely love it. The integrated webcam will also allow you to take instant photos of all your visitors. Through this, you will be able to create a temporary or permanent ID cards of the visitors.

A modern reception console

Our high-quality electronic sign in system also features the best reception console that will assure your receptionist a complete access to the database and an access to the visitors, supplied by our visitor management systems in Mountjoy. With this feature, it becomes very elementary to use as the receptionist will only need a few clicks in order to carry out the database search. This also allows for a full management of the visitors besides aiding in printing the visitor's reports. The system will also allow you to create multiple users accounts with different levels of permission. With this, you will definitely find it much easier to have a full control over the protection of the data. 

A complete installation service

We offer the best installation services to our clients. This, therefore, implies that you won’t incur any cost in the installation. With the aid of our professional staff, your Electronic Sign In System will be installed within the shortest time possible. Besides this, they will also provide you with a proper training on how to use the system to ensure that your staff can easily manage the system. They will also install all the required software that will enhance the function of the system. 

A thermal label printer

Our system also comes with the best thermal label printer that is very economical. This high-quality label printer works perfectly to allow you print off the visitor's labels within the shortest time possible, with a very minimum fuss. It is cost effective as you will not need to replace the ink cartridges, making it very cheap in the long run.

These are just, but some of the reasons why you need to get started with our electronic sign in system. It is the perfect security device for your school as it will enable you to monitor all those who walks in and out of your school, including the staff. It is very ergonomic and this ensures that you get a full control of the database. Get in touch with us today for the best electronic sign in system for your school.

Covering BT78 5